
AMI Trust Bursary

The AMI Trust makes available Bursaries for members wishing to undertake educational study in Meat Inspection related courses. You can download a Bursary application form here

The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

Each year the Winston Churchill Trust offers opportunities to British citizens to travel overseas to undertake study projects related to their trade, profession or particular interest, thus widening their experience and contacts, benefiting their work or community.

Amongst the categories are Animal Welfare and the Rural Economy.

Further information can be obtained from or email telephone 020 7799 1660

AMI Continuing Professional Development

The AMI encourages all members to take advantage of the learning opportunities available to both members working for the Food Standards Agency and partner organisations. The UK Civil Service encourages their employees to participate in further learning opportunities, via the Civil Service Learning website.

The European Commission also offer training to national -level control staff through it’s Better Training Safer Food initiative. Further details can be found via the Better Training Safer Food website, accessed here.