Annual General Meeting

Notice of the Annual General Meeting

To be held on Saturday 5th April, 2025

Commencing at 10:30 am

Aztec Hotel and Spa

Aztec West


Bristol BS32 4TS

In order that catering arrangements can be met, any member wishing to attend is requested to book their place by Friday February 28th.

All Requests should be returned to;

Jeremy Thomas

54 Trerise Road



TR14 7HB

Tel – 07801450337 E-Mail –

April 29th 2023

Our thanks to those members who were able to attend our rescheduled Annual General Meeting in Bristol. Thanks also to the staff at the Aztec Hotel and Spa, Almondsbury, Bristol.

Further details can be found on the website at:

Maps and further details available on request

As part of the 2013 meeting, the members who were present, participated in the inaugural Registration Ceremony to become Registered Meat Hygiene Inspectors.