Code of Conduct


The code of conduct that is currently available for you to refer to was formally adopted by the Association of Meat Inspectors at its Annual General Meeting on April 21st 2012.

This followed a lengthy process of discussion within Council and consultation with members and was unanimously approved by the meeting.

However, this has only heralded a starting point to put a code in place and does not mean that the consultation period is finished. If any member has a point of concern about any of the content, or feels that something has been omitted, they should contact the General Secretary who will take their concerns to the next meeting of Council for full discussion. Then, where deemed necessary the appropriate amendments to the code will be put forward at the following Annual General Meeting.

You can view the current version of the Code of Conduct here

Professional Recognition Q and A’s reproduced here

Continuing Professional Development Information can be found here.

A presentation on the proposal to move the AMI towards Professional Recognition can be found here.